The materials used in the manufacture of all our products are always of the highest quality and have passed rigorous quality controls to ensure comfort and resistance. The company aims to offer its customers the possibility of acquiring high quality products at very competitive prices. Angel Cerdá, S.L. has full confidence in the quality of its products and undertakes to replace or accept the return of any of its articles due to manufacturing defects or hidden faults. The Company also aims to offer the best service and attention to its customers. Angel Cerdá, S.L. undertakes to respond to any question or request within a maximum period of 48 hours and to satisfy, to the best of its ability, all the needs of its customers as quickly and efficiently as possible. Customer feedback will always be considered as an essential basis for further improvement of the company. Your suggestions are always welcome.
If you do not feel comfortable revealing your personal details over the Internet, you can call us directly on 96 225 77 62 to place your order by telephone in a totally confidential and secure manner.
– By credit card, the system will ask you for your card details in a private and encrypted way once you decide to confirm your shopping basket. The customer’s order will not be validated until the account has been charged with the authorisation of the competent payment centres. If the payment is not authorised, the customer’s order cannot be accepted. Online payment by credit card is made through the security system offered to its customers by the relevant bank.
– By bank transfer, in favour of Angel Cerdá, S.L. You must make the transfer within 3 working days of placing the order (if you have not received confirmation of the transfer after this period, the order will be cancelled). In the concept remember to mention the order number / reference, as well as name and surname as it appears in the order placed. Please contact us so that we can provide you with our bank details.
– Paypal, the system will ask you for your account details on the platform, privately and securely. Once your purchase is confirmed and if the payment is successful, you will be redirected back to our website. If the payment is not authorised, the customer’s order cannot be accepted.
– Stripe. The system will ask you for your account login details if you have one, or your credit card details for fast and secure payments. Once the payment has been confirmed and verified that it has been made correctly. The platform will redirect you to our website. If the payment is not authorised, the customer’s order cannot be accepted.
– Klarna. Through this platform you will be able to pay for your order in full or in instalments through its different options:
– Klarna Pay Now: payments made immediately.
– Klarna Pay Later: payments made with collection 30 days after purchase
– Klarna Pay Over Time: payments in instalments over 3 months through Klarna financing.
In all cases, if payment is not authorised, the customer’s order cannot be accepted.
The general conditions of sale are the only ones applicable and replace any other conditions, unless previously agreed otherwise expressly and in writing. At any time, Angel Cerdá, S.L. may be obliged to modify certain provisions of these general conditions. These modifications will affect the customer as soon as they are notified by various means. Each purchase on the Site is subject to all the clauses of the general conditions applicable on the date of the order. The customer will not be able to validate his order until he is aware of the general conditions of the present document and accepts them by clicking on the corresponding icon. Angel Cerdá, S.L. considers that, by validating the order, the customer is duly aware of the general conditions of sale and accepts them without reservation.
By placing the order, the customer declares to have the legal capacity to enter into a contract under Spanish civil law.
The purpose of these conditions is to define the regime of the sales and the rights derived from them, especially for the organisation of the legal relations between Angel Cerdá, S.L. and the customer.
The data communicated by the customer and registered by Angel Cerdá, S.L. during the registration and the order constitute the proof of the transactions between Angel Cerdá, S.L. and the customer. After validation of the order by the customer, Angel Cerdá, S.L. will send a confirmation message to the customer to notify him that the order has been registered correctly.
Angel Cerdá, S.L. reserves the right not to make a delivery or accept an order in the event that the customer has not partially or fully paid a previous order or there is a payment dispute.
According to the organic law of data protection, you have a right of access and rectification of the data concerning you and you can exercise this right by writing an email to info@angelcerda.com.
Angel Cerdá, S.L. will respect the privacy of users, as well as ensuring the secrecy and security of personal data, adopting the necessary technical and organisational measures.
The customer, through the email registered for the creation of your account, you can receive offers, news and information about the latest news from Angel Cerdá, S.L. If you no longer wish to receive them, you can request it at any time to Angel Cerdá, S.L.
Angel Cerdá, S.L. informs its customers that this data processing is automated, especially the management of users’ postal addresses.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be enforced and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law.
Before resorting to litigation, the parties shall attempt to reach an amicable agreement. In the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute, whether contentious or otherwise, in relation to the formation or execution of the order, including in the case of a warranty claim or multiple defendants, shall fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts to which our head office is attached.
Angel Cerdá, S.L., issues this document with its conditions as a guarantee of quality of the product and services it covers, for a period of 36 months from the date of delivery. These conditions are established without prejudice to the rights of the consumer, according to the Royal Decree Law 1/2007 16 November.
This guarantee does not cover deficiencies caused by negligence, knocks, improper use or manipulation, incorrect assembly, failure to correctly apply the conditions of conservation and maintenance or materials subject to wear and tear due to normal use. The following cases are expressly excluded from the guarantee: Damage caused by pets, damage caused by sharp tools, staining of fabrics caused by rubbing against external textiles (clothing), damage caused by extreme heat or objects at high temperatures, damage caused by cleaning processes or unsuitable products, if it is intended for a use other than that for which it was made.
In the event of incidents that justify the use of this guarantee, the option of repair, replacement of the article, reduction or resolution will be made in accordance with the legally established terms.
Any faults, losses, breakages or damage that may occur to the goods during transport must be recorded on the delivery note and/or CMR of the carrier within a period not exceeding 72 hours from delivery, and must be notified by fax or e-mail (soporte@angelcerda.com), attaching photographic support, as well as a detailed description of the damage caused.
No quality claims will be accepted after 10 days from the date of receipt, except for hidden faults or defects included in the quality guarantee, which must be properly documented.
Orders including special models, measurements or finishes/options are implicitly accepted by the customer upon confirmation of the order. Such orders shall be manufactured expressly and therefore may NOT be cancelled or returned once the order confirmation and the goods have been received.
The prices indicated on the Angel Cerdá, S.L. website include VAT and delivery costs, depending on the destination, promotion or special options. Delivery charges differ depending on the customer’s delivery address and the volume of items ordered. Delivery charges are indicated in the basket and are confirmed when the order is validated. Delivery costs are invoiced at the end of the order and are added to the price of the items ordered, if applicable.
Angel Cerdá, S.L. reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the products will be invoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time the order is registered subject to availability on that date.
Angel Cerdá, S.L. retains ownership of the goods sold until the effective payment of the principal amount and supplements is made. The non-payment of one of the parties may cause the claim of the goods.
These provisions do not constitute any obstacle to the transfer to the customer, upon delivery, of the risks of loss and deterioration of the goods purchased, as well as any damage that they may cause.
The customer agrees and accepts at this moment that Angel Cerdá, S.L. will accept his order according to its available stocks and the stocks of its manufacturers and suppliers. Angel Cerdá, S.L. will do everything possible to respond to all orders.
In the event that a product is not available after confirming the order and after the closing of the corresponding sale, Angel Cerdá, S.L. will inform the customer by email or telephone of the partial delivery or cancellation of the order.
In this case, in order to satisfy its customers and with the aim of maintaining serene and satisfactory commercial relations, Angel Cerdá, S.L. will propose to the customer the reimbursement of the amounts already paid by bank transfer. In the case of payment by credit card, the customer’s order will not be validated until the account is charged under the authorisation of the competent payment centres. If the payment is not authorised, the customer’s order cannot be accepted. Online payment by credit card is made through the security system offered to its customers by the bank concerned.
After confirming the order, Angel Cerdá, S.L. will manage or manufacture and organise the shipment, as soon as possible, through independent transport agencies specialised in furniture. The delivery time will be informed prior to the order confirmation, depending on the place where the delivery is to be made and the volume of the goods. This delivery time may vary due to exceptional circumstances beyond the control of Angel Cerdá, S.L., in which case the customer will be promptly informed and we will always try to speed up the delivery as much as possible. The shipping costs will be detailed and calculated according to the volume of the goods at the time of order confirmation and the customer will be informed at the time of his decision, unless the customer requires any special delivery conditions that cause additional costs. The carrier shall be instructed to telephone the customer the day before delivery in order to arrange the time and place of delivery. Transport will always be made to the entrance of the building, unless other services are expressly contracted and agreed, so if the delivery address is a flat, the customer will be responsible for providing the necessary assistance by their own means to carry the goods up the stairs, unless expressly contracted.
The customer is solely responsible for verifying that the measurements of the product ordered are in accordance with the accesses to his home or delivery address, paying particular attention to doors, stairs, ceilings, corridors, landings, etc. All the measurements of the products, as well as the packaging of the Angel Cerdá, S.L. package are real measurements, which do not take into account the additional transport packaging.
Any additional costs arising from the rental of lifts, storage or return of goods shall be borne exclusively by the customer.
All additional costs related to the rental of lifts, storage or the absence of the customer (in breach of the commitment established when the appointment was made) and the risk of damage arising from these problems shall be borne by the customer. The customer has 14 calendar days to return a product to Angel Cerdá, S.L. in the event that he/she is not satisfied. Therefore, during these 14 days and provided that the customer pays the costs of collecting the product (equal to the costs invoiced for shipping), the customer can return this product. The transport costs of the first delivery are not refunded in any case, except in cases of hidden defects or quality problems.
In the case of the return of goods referred to in the first paragraph of this article, the customer shall bear the transport risk10-juns. Due to the nature of the products, the customer must follow the return procedure, pending receipt of the goods in the warehouse, inspection and subsequent management of the refund.
Only products that are new and complete (accessories, cushions, instructions where applicable) will be accepted. Any product that has been damaged by the customer or whose original packaging has been damaged in a way that goes beyond its simple opening will not be reimbursed, or will only be partially reimbursed and always upon receipt of the goods in our warehouse.
This legal right of withdrawal is exercised free of charge, with the exception of transport costs. The customer receives a guarantee of 3 years from the date of invoice, against any consequence of damage or hidden defects that could reveal the items sold, provided that these are notified to Angel Cerdá, S.L. as soon as they appear. In addition, the consumer must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two months from the date of invoice from the date he/she became aware of it. The repair or replacement of the product under legal guarantee will be free of charge for the consumer and user.
In case of return, the customer will receive the money by cheque or bank transfer. The methods for refunding the money are established by Angel Cerdá, S.L. The customer is responsible for verifying that the data provided to Angel Cerdá, S.L. during the order are truthful and complete, especially the delivery address. The customer is responsible for the data provided during registration and when placing the order. Angel Cerdá, S.L. is not responsible for any typographical error that may cause an error in the delivery. Angel Cerdá, S.L. is not responsible for possible mistakes made by the customer and/or the customer’s failure to comply with the delivery methods and the appointment that he/she has made with the carrier. In this case, the costs necessary for the re-delivery and storage of the products shall be borne by the customer. Without limiting the above paragraphs, the liability of Angel Cerdá, S.L. with respect to these General Conditions, cannot exceed a sum equal to the sums paid or payable during the transaction at the beginning of said liability, regardless of the cause or action in question.
All events or circumstances that are unavoidable, unforeseeable or independent of the will of the parties, in particular in the event of total or partial strikes by carriers, and natural disasters such as floods and fires, are considered fortuitous events or force majeure which exempt the customer from liability.
The customer chooses and purchases the products under his own and sole responsibility. Therefore, the total or partial impossibility of using the products for reasons of incompatibility of the material cannot give rise to any compensation, refund or claim for liability of Angel Cerdá, S.L., except in the case of a proven hidden defect, lack of conformity, imperfection or the exercise of the right of withdrawal provided for by the consumer code. The fact that any clause of the general conditions of sale is declared void, unenforceable, out of date, illegal or inapplicable due to a law, a regulation or following a final judgement of a competent jurisdiction, shall not call into question the validity, legality and applicability of the other stipulations of these general conditions of sale, and shall not exempt the customer from the fulfilment of his contractual obligations.
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